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Survey Documentation 

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Survey Documentation - Load Port Inspection After Loading

- Shore Lines

Determine the nature and quantities of material in the shore loading lines prior to obtaining the closing tank gauges or meter readings.  A sample may be taken from the lines for this purpose.  Verify that all valves are in the proper open or closed position and that seals installed remain intact.  Report findings and include the line volume in the quantity calculations if necessary.  If the line fill condition after loading differs from the condition before loading, the difference must be accounted for.

Page 13


- Tank Measurement

Take closing gauges, temperatures and water measurements of each tank that is used in the loading operation.  Record the results of the Report of Shore Quantity.

- Tank Samples

Take representative tank samples as required after loading.  Specify the locations on the tank from which samples were obtained and the steps that were followed in producing a representative sample.

- Automatic Sampler

If an automatic sampler was used, ascertain that the correct sample volume was obtained.  Witness the mixing of the contents of the sample receptacle and the withdrawal and testing of the sample.  Report any difficulties that occur with relation to the in-line sampling procedures.

- Meters

Record the closing meter readings and the meter factor used.  Obtain a completed copy of all meter proving forms and meter tickets.  Attach them to the completed Metered Quantity Report and include them in the inspection report.  If the meter or meters were not proved during loading, indicate the frequency of meter proving and attach a copy of all current meter proving reports.  The load port form should be similar to the standard meter proving form in MPMS Chapter 12.2

If manual and/or automatic shore tank measurements were taken, show a comparison between them and the metered volumes.

Survey Documentation - Load Port Reconciliation

- Shore and Vessel Transferred Volume Calculations

Determine the total observed volume (TOV) for manually gauged and sampled volumes.  Deduct any measured free water (FW) in order to obtain gross observed volume (GOV).  Multiply the GOV by the volume correction factor (VCF) to calculate the gross standard volume (GSV).

In the case of metered volumes not corrected for temperature and all volumes sampled by automatic in-line samplers, multiply TOV by volume correction factor to obtain GSV.

Adjust the GSV for sediment and water (S&W), if any, either by subtracting the actual S&W volume or by multiplying this volume by the S&W factor of 1 - (%S&W / 100) to obtain the net standard volume (NSV).

- Dynamic Measurement With Automatic Sampler

The indicated volume is corrected by the composite correction factor to yield a total calculated volume (TCV).  The S&W is subsequently applied to obtain the NSV.

  • Indicated Volume x Comp. Correction Factor = TCV
  • TCV x (%S&W / 100) = S&W
  • TCV - S&W = NSV

- Dynamic Measurement Without Automatic Sampler

The free water is subtracted from the TCV to obtain the GSV.  The S&W is then applied to the GSV to obtain the NSV.  The values of free water and S&W should be determined from a consistent, mutually agreed upon source.

  • Indicated Volume x Comp. Correction Factor = TCV
  • TCV - FW = GSV
  • GSV x (%S&W / 100) = S&W
  • GSV - S&W = NSV

Sections of text taken from API - MPMS Chapter 17 Marine Measurement

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