- Customised Solutions For The Tanker IndustrySN's Monthly Engine Consumptions Report

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Monthly Engine Consumptions Report


Info Page In Parent Project



The project pages are protected but there is no password.


The user is required to enter data in the cells with yellow background only (unlocked cells).


The summary page contains the initial data for list of lubricants / greases and refrigerants on board. Add / Delete as necessary.


The lubricants for main equipments such as ME System Oil are assigned in the Jan~Dec pages, in cells K19 and below. Add / Delete as necessary.


The pages from Jan to Dec must be identical in column widths and row heights. If the user changes the widths or heights in one the same must be done for all pages from Jan to Dec.


For the Ship - Selecting the Ship from the drop down box would be required only once.

When the ship is selected, instructions like the following are executed ---

  •  All charts are deleted and then created for existing equipments.

  •  Rows are hidden or exposed according to the equipment on board as typed in the SETUP page.

  •  Cells with non-existent equipment on board are masked in the pages Jan ~ Dec.


The project file size is 1.8 MB and when zipped is over 330 KB and not cost effective for e-mail nor for storage on HDD. Therefore, there are option buttons for saving data-only files and retrieving them. These files are of very small size (typically 10kb) and contain data for the entire 12 months but are saved with active month . The ships e-mail ONLY these small files at end of each month. The office saves these files to folders for each vessel. Folders are automatically created in the root drive ('C', 'D', 'J', etc.) of this project - The default parent folder is "MONTHLY REP". Within this folder, a default sub folder "ENGINE" is created and within this, a sub-folder for each vessel is created. You can change the folder and sub folder names by changing the values in the Setup page in B4 & B5. (Unprotect the page, first).


Averages for bunkered oils and refrigerants for any computing period is the total for that computing period divided by the number of supplies in that period.


To see the value at the point in the charts, the user can put the mouse over the point and read the data from the pop up tool. The user may have to first click on the Plot area to make it 'active'.


The user is advised not to insert/delete rows or columns in any of the pages as this will mess up the code.


The 'Clear All' button on the 'Summary' page copies the ROB figures from Dec to Jan and then clears all other data entry cells in the pages from Jan to Dec.


When starting for the first time, please remember to 'Clear All' from the 'Summary' Page and then 'Clear Contents in the 'Jan'


Do not change the names nor the order of the pages and section titles.


If the ROB is nil, please type 0. Do not leave the cell blank. Same for Cargo Hours / Quantity.


For incinerator, the consumption should be entered in either MDO or MGO.


To give the office an idea of the consumptions v/s cargo work, the user enters data in cells H65:H68 for each month. Set the units in cell I67 in the Jan page. The hours and quantities should be entered in whole numbers. Also, quantities can be rounded to every 1000 CBM. There is no real need to give the cargo figures exactly to the unit. Similarly, for RO/RO/ Vessels, cargo units can be round up to nearest 100 units.


Each project needs the file FileSetup.txt to be saved in the folder MONTHLY REP In Drive: J: ( In Drive: J:\MONTHLY REP ). See Setup Page - Cells B3 and B4.

Download  a free trial copy.  The zipped document should contain six files.  

The main project, an encrypted text file named 'FleetSetup'.txt, two encrypted text files with sample data for for two ships, the 'combi' project,  and a sample 'combi' having data for 4 sister vessels.  

The user will need to save the 'FleetSetup.txt' file in the folder 'Monthly Rep' in the root directory where the main project is saved.  Example:  "C:\Monthly Rep".

for a quote basis a one time fee per fleet with / without annual support and with / without amendments to design or code.

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