- Customised Solutions For The Tanker IndustrySN's Oil Calculations (Advanced) Add-in   (Oil Software)  

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SN's Oil Calculations (Advanced) Add-in


In addition to the functions available in the standard version  the following functions are made available in the Premium version.

This will keep the file size small and give fast calculations. (See Calling .DLL Function vs. Visual Basic Worksheet Function)

Further, you can access and call the functions in multiple projects at the same time. However, a registered Dll has to be purchased for each machine it is being used on. Select the level from Standard, Advanced, Premium or Universal according to your need.

Extract the zipped file to "C:\Cargocal". Then from the Start-Run button, register the add-in by typing RegSvr32 "c:\cargocal\SNsAdvOil.dll".  Then from Excel, Tools-Addins, click on the 'Automation, button.  Select SNsAdvOil.OilCalc from the list or use the Browse button to the Cargocal folder and select the add-in SNsAdvOil.dll

The functions are -

Tab6c(CoEff As Double, DegC as Double) As Double    
Tab23a(Density As Double, DegC as Double) As Double                       'Example: =Tab23a(.8494, FarTOCenti(96.1)   Result =  0.8635 same if temperature in Deg Centigrade    =Tab23a(.8494,35.61) Result = 0.8635
Tab23b(Density As Double, DegC as Double) As Double   
Tab23c(Density As Double, DegC as Double) As Double   
Tab24c(Density As Double, DegC as Double) As Double   
Tab53a(Density As Double, DegC as Double) As Double   
Tab53b(Density As Double, DegC as Double) As Double   
Tab54c(Density As Double, DegC as Double) As Double

SG60F(API As Double, Optional AD As String = "A") As Double    ' If Density, Pass AD = "D"
DensTkTemp(Den15 As Double, DegC As Double) As Double

Chems(Density As Double, DegC As Double, CoEfF As Double, BaseTemp As Double) As Double    ' For Chemicals
Volu15(Voltk As Double, DegC As Double, CoEfF As Double, BaseTemp As Double) As Double

VCF(table As String, API As Double, DegC as Double) As Double       ' Tables are 6A/B/C, 24A/B/C, 54A/B/D, API is either API or Density      Example: =VCF(a1,b1,c1) returns 0.98822  where  A1="6C", B1=0.0003355, C1=35

RoundM(num As Double, Precision As Single) As Double
RoundD(num As Double, Places As Integer) As Double        ' Round Down
RoundU(num As Double, Places As Integer) As Double        ' Round Up
Trun(num As Double, Places As Integer) As Double           ' Truncate(num As Double, Precision As Single) As Double
SigDigs(num As Double, Places As Integer) As Double         ' Return significant digits (max 15)

GetWedA2(Inn As Single, TkL As Single, TkH As Single, UDis As Single, LBP As Single, VTrim As Single)  As Double   ' Gives A/2 Innage
GetWedVol(VolA2 As Single, InnA2, TkL As Single, LBP As Single, VTrim As Single) As Double      ' Gives Wedged Volume

For sake of uniformity, temperature to be passed is in degrees Centigrade to all the functions and is automatically changed to Fahrenheit internally, if required.  (Unless either is allowed by the argument 'CF' as string).


Users may send their queries to    for any clarification.

This project has a limit of 100 calculations and / or prevents printing with the unregistered copy.  With 100 calculations, the user can test the usefulness of this add-in substantially for a tank or two.  To get the registered version, click on the button below to purchase via secure transactions and send us by e-mail the file ""licSNOilPCID.pvf" generated by the project (you may find this file in 'C:\Cargocal\DllA) or if not found, send us the Product ID. .  We will send you the release code file by return e-mail.

Individual PC Licence - Select Version

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or  Buy The Source Code - Enable you to create your own VBE Code or Add-ins - Click on 'Pay Now' button below.

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