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This program will provide a quick computation of the cargo and resultant draft for any of the vessels in the fleet.  This is particularly useful to superintendents / chartering managers,.

The program will seek and limit the input values to SDWT.

Premium backsolving algorithms enable the user to work out the cargo for given draft (here the draft is limited to SDWT draft with SW Density allowance), as well as obtaining the volume for given cargo weight (limited to SDWT).


Changing any of the variable parameters, such as bunkers will auto-adjust the cargo if the SDWT is exceeded. Double-clicking in variable range, toggles 0 and 98% volume but auto-reduces to required value if SDWT is exceeded. The snapshots below are largely self-explanatory.

Customised Solutions for the Tanker IndustryCustomised Solutions for the Tanker Industry








Customised Solutions for the Tanker Industry

Customised Solutions for the Tanker Industry








Customised Solutions for the Tanker Industry

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