This feature-rich software is designed to enable the towing vessels, barge and tanker company quality assurance
/ vetting manager consolidate all the inspection reports received across the
fleet, include his/her responses and annotate target dates for each
report. The questionnaires covered are 46CFR Subchapter M, OCIMF'S SIRE VIQ6; VIQ7; BIQ
5 USA V2205, EBIS Edn 8, Shipowners Tug /Barge inpections. Once this is done, the software can generate comprehensive reports
in a tabular format as well as on charts.
The user is now able to harness almost any conceivable aspect of the
inspections conducted in the past by selecting the appropriate filters
and thus be aware and better prepared for the future.
Harvested management level information can be passed on to the masters
and chief engineers for their timely guidance. It is expected that the
vessels are always in the perfect condition and most crew strive to
achieve this, however, inspectors do have their favourite areas and
nuanced viewpoints which find their way on the reports and into the
worldwide system. This software will enable the users pin-point the
existence and frequency of specific areas of concern for attention.
Data is stored in an MS Access database. There is no need to have Access
as part of the MS Office installation in the user's computer.
Our software provides
Intutive and friendly MS Excel
based user-interface to control all functions -
new or update records for List of Countries, Ports, Survey Companies
and Surveyors.
Create new or update records for Fleet, Select the questionnaire
(BIQ5, VIQ6 or VIQ7).
Create new or update records for Sire Chapters, Assign Ship Manager's
Risk Perception for each entry.
Create new or update records for List of Reports
Assign parameters such as surveyor name, date issued and status
to the reports.
Record the ship manager's response for each observation and
assign target dates.
Copy and paste or drag and drop text from received reports into
the software fields.
Intelligent multi-level filtering.
Export selected records to table from where -
Get sub-totals by vessel, by ship type, by vetting company or
by status.
Export above data to three types of charts.
Sort ascending / descending by various observation areas.
Extract data for each observation with a possiblility to filter
by a vast array of parameters.
Print a summary of observations in order of frequency, sorted
further by risk perception.
Quick print a list by chapter - either all or for selected
Consolidate the extracted data and create charts for these automatically
with filtering facility for by Year, By Vessel & By Vetting
Compare records against other ships, the whole fleet and with the
World Observations figures for each chapter.
Affixing of customer's logo to the report pages.
Twelve users plus CEO user with product storing each user's filter
help file.
We offer to -
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